Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27, 2014 - First haircut in Rome!

Buon giorno da Roma!

This week has been awesome! We have this new investigator named Muhammad that I want to tell you a little about. He is from Africa and speaks mostly French, but can only really read Italian. In his lessons, we always try to have a translator, though when we can't, he responds to us in English. There is quite the language barrier with him, but after our very first lesson, he said to us "I can't understand everything you are saying to me but I believe it. I believe what you are saying about Jesus Christ." This week, he accepted a baptismal date of February 23rd! He is incredible!!! He is so prepared and so humble! We watched a movie about the Restoration and he said that when God and Jesus Christ talked to Joseph Smith he felt that it was true. He is so awesome.

ANDREA CAME TO CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a struggle it has been with his work and busy life to get him into that building on Sunday morning!! :) But he made it, and on time!! He had some questions during the lesson in Sunday School, but the teacher did great with him and we got to talk to him after church for a while. He really did love it and wants to come back, he just doesn't know when he can. That's a huge struggle here: finding work is near impossible and when you do, you work when they tell you you can. It is so sad. Heart-breaking. Itlay is having a very hard time. But they are getting a temple! God does look out for everyone! We gain spiritual and temporal blessings from worshiping and making covenants in the temple, and now Heavenly Father is giving them access to more blessings. He REALLY loves the Italians, no joke. He has been preparing them for His gospel for a very long time. I am SO incredibly lucky to be one of His servants here right now to help with His precious children in Itlay. I think He really loves me too ;) 

Well I really love YOU all as well! I hope that you are constantly looking for ways to serve God (AKA serve others). I hope that you are sempre anxiously engaged in a good cause and that you seek to do good continually. These wise words are not coming from Sorella Patterson, that is for sure, but from our loving Father in Heaven! The more that I learn about Him, the more I love Him, and the more I love Him, the more I want to serve Him. Which is great, because that is literally all I do right now...  

Alright, guarda. La missione e la vita sono a volte tanto difficili. A volte, pensiamo che o non ce la facciamo, o non vale la pena. Magari pensiamo di essere da soli o che non possiamo cambiare perché siamo fatti così. Invece non è vero. Lo scopo della vita è di avere la gioia, e l'uomo naturale non è mai stato felice. Quindi, dev'essere un modo in cui ci possiamo cambiare la natura. E vi dico che veramente c'è. Si chiama l'espiazione di Cristo. Tramite quest'atto, noi possiamo cambiare la nostra proprio natura, il nostro comportamento, e qualsiasi cosa che non sia in armonia con gli attributi di Cristo. So che questo è vero. So pure che ci vuole il tempo; non succede in un giorno. Magari! Ma con la preghiera sincera, l'obbedienza, e la pazienza, mi sto cambiando la natura, anche se ci vorrà tutta la mia vita per farlo. Vabbè, non fa niente. Devo adesso soltanto enjoy the ride :)

Vi voglio un mondo di bene!!! Grazie per tutto ciò che fate per me e i miei simpatizzanti!

Translated by Microsoft Translator:  Alright, look. The mission and life are sometimes so difficult. Sometimes, we think or do not, or it’s not worth it. Maybe we think we are alone or that we cannot change because we are made so. Instead it is not true. The purpose of life is to have the joy, and the natural man has never been happy. Therefore, it has to be a way we can change the nature. And I tell you it really is there. It's called the atonement of Christ. Through this Act, we can change our own nature, our behavior, and anything that is not in harmony with Christ's attributes. I know that this is true. I know that it takes time; doesn't happen in a day. Maybe! But with sincere prayer, obedience, and patience, I am changing the nature, although it will take my whole life to do this. Oh well, does nothing. I only enjoy the ride now:)

I want a world of good! Thanks for everything you do for me and my supporters!

Sorella Patterson

First haircut in Rome!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 20, 2014 - New Companion

Cara Tutti! 

Okay, I know I haven't written in a while, scusatemi. Allora, this week was one of miracles! We found 3 new investigators and taught a ton of lessons and just did work! We are seeing a lot right now, my comp Sorella Haynie and I, how much our obedience to the commandments and to mission rules plays a huge role in our work. We are being SO blessed because of it! It is wonderful!

Me and my new companion Sorella Haynie
Luisa and Claudio are the newest investigators. They are so sweet and so humble! I am so excited to teach them more about Jesus Christ and the Gospel! 
My comp and I are doing so well together. Davvero, she is just awesome and is teaching me so much. I am excited for this transfer and hope that we get more together! 

More scarves!
We had zone conference this week and it was so great, just exactly what I needed. Our leaders are so inspired!
Everyone wears scarves here!
Me modeling mine.

Zone conference studying
Singing at Zone Conference

Sorella Sartena forgot her tag that day but luckily
I had two--That seems to happen a lot!
MTC district reunited
Hmmm, what else....

I can't think of anything else to say...

I love you all though!! Thank you for the support, OH and thank you to everyone who sent me a Christmas card! I am still getting some and it just feels like Christmas all the time!! I love it!!! THank you so much!!!
New convert Michele (the dad) and his son Dario

Hope everyone has a great week!! I love you all!!!

Sorella Patterson 


Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014 - Happy New Year!

Buon anno tutti!!! 

I hope everyone's feste went bene and that tutti voi are full of some delicious cibo!!

Okay just kidding, I still speak perfect English believe it or not. Okay, not perfect, but I'd say at least a mark above average. 

Ping Pong with Mohamed
Anyway, I do really hope that everyone had a great Christmas and New Years. I bet you are all SO happy that it is over and you can stop eating Pandoro cakes and Chocolate truffles and multi hour meals! Oh wait, maybe that is just me... 

And today is another holiday, so I guess I am not there yet... Have any of you seen Eat, Pray, Love? It's a pretty good movie, but anyway, there is a part when she is in Italy, and her experience is a near perfect replica of what it is like here, minus falling in love: that is not happening. But the most poignant part, I'd say, is when she buys new jeans because her old ones are significantly tighter than they used to be... Today I am proudly sporting new jeans ;)

Anyway, the holidays are interesting for missionary work. Pretty much everyone went out of town, so there was not a lot of teaching our investigators. However, we got an awesome call from one of our investigators and he said he has been thinking about baptism lately... We haven't even asked him about it! And another one who we met with on Saturday is just trying to quit smoking and then she will be pretty much ready. Also, she needs to find a way to get to church each Sunday. She is a bit older, and taking the mezzi (train, metro, and then a bus) is a bit hard for her. She doesn't have a car and one of her sons does but it is in the shop and he has never been to church. Maybe he will just have to start coming with her now :) Magari! Her name is Fiorella and she is awesome. She is so sweet and has the most awesome testimony of Christ! What is better is that she turns it into action and does whatever she can to be more like Him and to help others. She is always trying to feed us and she gave us an umbrella last time and tons of baby clothes for anyone we thought could use them. These people sometimes have very little to give, but they give so much anyway and they give from their heart! I LOVE ITALY.

On New Years we set the alarm for 11:45 and woke up and watched all the Fireworks. It was INSANE. And we are nowhere near any kind of firework show. It was literally just everyone standing on their balcony shooting off all KINDS of fireworks they had been buying for weeks. It was crazy. We wouldn't have been able to sleep through that, so it was good we woke up to just enjoy it :) I took some videos, so you'll all get to hear it in a year :) 

Crazy that I only have a year left! 

So, transfers... We got the call on Saturday. My dearest companion Sorella Pancheri is going to Sicilia!! Siracusa to be exact. She will love it. She is a little sad to leave her first area where she has been for about 7 months, but she is also excited for a change. I will stay here and Sorella Haynie is coming up from Siracusa. Sorella Pace who currently lives with me, is going to... PESCARA!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!! I am currently writing tons of letters for her to give to people, as well as take a gift back for Gianni. I sure do miss him and the members and people of Pescara. Probably always will. They are all just so wonderful!! She is a lucky Sister missionary, that is for sure.

Okay, well, I need to go. We are not going to the Vatican today, I will just have to do that another time. Instead, we are going to ride bikes through Villa Borghese. On the first day of Sunshine in quite some time!! What a miracle!! Sorry for all the cold weather in Texas. Sure are the last days when Texas freezes over...

Kay, well I love you all with all my heart! Thank you all for all that you do for me and for the Lord!!! Buon anno, buon salute, e buon appetito!!

Sorella Patterson

Pictures: Me ping-pong-ing it up with Mohamed

The New Years ward party! Which we had to leave extremely early, but it was fun none-the-less and great to see so many people that don't usually make it out to church. Loved it! Love fellowshipping!!