Buon Giorno!!!
Come state?? Tutto al posto qui!!
I cannot believe I will be in Italia in a week from today.
It absolutely blows my mind! We leave Tuesday 8am ish... okay I'll just tell
you how it all works:
So we leave the MTC @ about 8AM and drive to the airport in
SLC for our flight to Dallas (I'm comin' home!! ;) ha!) where we will
connect with our next flight to London (!!!) where we will connect with
our last flight to Rome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
We haven" theard anything about our visas yet, but in the MTC no news is
good news. I am pretty sure mine has come through because I have been assigned
to be the travel leader for 11 missionaries, including myself. They are not all
from my district, but I know them all because they are in my same zone in the
MTC. I wish my whole district was traveling together, but we don't until the
flight to Rome, so that will be a fun flight! At least my companion is on my
flight plan so we'll be together the whole time. Oh, also, all the
missionaries in the MTC going to either misison in Italia leave for Italia on
the same day. There will be no Italian speakers at the MTC when we leave!! At
least not until the next day when I suspect the new ones will arrive. I'm not
gonna lie, I'm probably going to cry (a ton) when I leave my district. We are
so close! I seriously love them so much. Hopefully I will see them again in
Rome. :)
My Italian is coming along! I can keep up a good
conversation with other American speakers of Italian. I'm sure when I get to
Rome, it will be totally different!
So, today is my last P-Day in the MTC! My companion and I
have spent a good chunk of the day trying to teach ourselves how to play "Nearer
my God to Thee" on the piano. Our teachers say that in Italia, not many
people play the piano so we want to have a couple of hymns down in case they
need someone to play in church. Any advice on a crash-course in piano
playing??? :)
Well, I have to go, but I love you all!! Thank you for the
letters and packages!!! They help a TON!!! My next email will be from
Italia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ciao for now!!
Sorella Patterson
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