Okay, so my mom sent me like a million questions, and the answers are
basically everything I was going to tell you, plus she reminded me of some, so
here goes:

2) I GOT MY BIRTHDAY PACKAGE!!! I cannot express enough thanks to all of
you friends and family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really are WAY too good to me and I
do not deserve all of this. The Scripture book..... WOW. That was way incredibly
more than I expected. Thank you, all of you. That was the best birthday gift I
have ever gotten. That was just incredible. Special shout out to my AWESOME
MOTHER for totally making that happen and for all the hard work and just
everything she does for me and for everyone else!!! LOVE
3) You don't want my address here. Mail is real sketchy where I am, along
with everything else. Use the address of the mission office from now on, until I
get transfered to Sicilia or something. It is:
4) Heard Debb is going to Cali!! She always was a California girl :) Haha. I can't believe her and Hermana Barnes will be in the same state!!!! They are so awesome!!!!!!!!
5) So, last week we saw the Pantheon, Colosseum, Spanish Steps, every
designer store you could ever dream of, Piazza Navona, and a couple other
awesome sights. So today we might take it a little easy! (The pictures are of
the Pantheon and Piazza Navona.)
6) The food here is great, as always, but I miss the Pescaran specialty: arrosticini. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
7) Pray for Andrea!! He is awesome and we are trying to have good lessons
with him, but it is always a bit hard. We just need to figure out how to meet
his needs, but we are getting there!
Okay, That's all I got for this week! Sorry it was all touristy stuff and not much about the awesome people I am meeting and teaching, but next week it will be all about them, deal? In the meantime, guess what?? There is a huge sciopero going on in Rome. It is like a strike, but all transportation shuts down. We have been told to buy enough food for about a week and a half. They don't know how long this will last. So yay for walking!! :) Also, EVERYthing is decorated for Christmas!! It is so beautiful!! I love Natale!!!
Love you all so much!!! Buona settimana!!
Sorella Patterson
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