Editor’s note here (aka Mom): Normally Megan sends me a separate
email just to me, but I thought it important to share a part, so on behalf of a
worried mom, here is her request for a prayer on her behalf:
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Tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain (ensures a return trip to Rome per Roman legend) |
week was rough with my companion being sick. I did everything. Definitely
pushed me to my limits and maybe a bit Beyond. But I survived and learned a
ton, so that means I probably did okay. But now I'm sick, and everything hurts,
so pray that it goes away fast so I don't ever have to go to an Italian
hospital, they scare me to Death. I have been to one a couple times now, for
investigators, and it's not ever a place I want to go. I am nowhere near sick
enough for that right now, like it's just my throat and body, but just to be
safe, include that in your prayers. :) No reason for alarm or anything at
all! But I do need to be in perfect shape before Sunday, because we are doing a
musical number! :)
Boungiorno tutti!!
So last pday, we went to Rome since Zone Conference was the
next day and also in Rome. It was awesome to see the touristy stuff for the
first time! Also, while we were there, I met this lady named Aimee from New
Zealand and we got to talk with her for a bit and invite her to Church (in
Rome). Hopefully she went! Also, this American couple came up to us (only in
Rome!) and they were also Mormon and so I comitted them to give away a
pass-along card and they accepted! They said they already had someone in mind.
It was awesome! I love this work!
So, we had stake conference Yesterday, so that meant going
back to Rome! Lots of long bus rides this week! But it was fun, and great to
see lots of members from this new stake coming together. Also, since the stake
is so new, lots of new callings happened, which meant lots of sustaining of our
dear Pescara members. So many of them are making such huge sacrfices for the
Church and for the Gospel. I am so astounded b the strength of their
testimonies. What a blessing to serve amongst such angels!
So, this week is going to be crazy with tons of appointments and
lots of people to see and invite to Christ. At district meeting, we have had a
couple trainings on setting goals, and it is something that my companion
and I are trying to work on now. We have set some pretty good ones this week
and are commited to them, and it is going to take all of our heart, mind, mind,
and strength to accomplish them! Also, my companion was sick all last week, and
now I am a little sick (nothing crazy, just a cold) so we are trying not to let
anything slow us down :) Gianni and Lucia and Ivana and Lia are
counting on us!! :)
Love you all, so great to hear about all the awesome stuff
happening in the ward. You are all such awesome examples for me!! Have a great
Pictures from last week's zone conference:
Don't worry, Mom. She'll be fine. Just keep her out of those Italian hospitals.