Buon giorno da Roma!
This week has been awesome! We have this new investigator
named Muhammad that I want to tell you a little about. He is from Africa and
speaks mostly French, but can only really read Italian. In his lessons, we
always try to have a translator, though when we can't, he responds to us in
English. There is quite the language barrier with him, but after our very first
lesson, he said to us "I can't understand everything you are saying to me
but I believe it. I believe what you are saying about Jesus Christ." This
week, he accepted a baptismal date of February 23rd! He is incredible!!! He is
so prepared and so humble! We watched a movie about the Restoration and he said
that when God and Jesus Christ talked to Joseph Smith he felt that it was true.
He is so awesome.
ANDREA CAME TO CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a struggle it has been with his work and busy life to get him into that
building on Sunday morning!! :) But he made it, and on time!! He had some
questions during the lesson in Sunday School, but the teacher did great with
him and we got to talk to him after church for a while. He really did love it
and wants to come back, he just doesn't know when he can. That's a huge
struggle here: finding work is near impossible and when you do, you work when
they tell you you can. It is so sad. Heart-breaking. Itlay is having a very
hard time. But they are getting a temple! God does look out for everyone! We
gain spiritual and temporal blessings from worshiping and making covenants in
the temple, and now Heavenly Father is giving them access to more blessings. He
REALLY loves the Italians, no joke. He has been preparing them for His gospel
for a very long time. I am SO incredibly lucky to be one of His servants here
right now to help with His precious children in Itlay. I think He really loves
me too ;)
Well I really love YOU all as well! I hope that you are
constantly looking for ways to serve God (AKA serve others). I hope that you
are sempre anxiously engaged in a good cause and that you seek to do good
continually. These wise words are not coming from Sorella Patterson, that is
for sure, but from our loving Father in Heaven! The more that I learn about
Him, the more I love Him, and the more I love Him, the more I want to serve
Him. Which is great, because that is literally all I do right now...
Alright, guarda. La missione e la vita sono a volte tanto
difficili. A volte, pensiamo che o non ce la facciamo, o non vale la pena.
Magari pensiamo di essere da soli o che non possiamo cambiare perché siamo
fatti così. Invece non è vero. Lo scopo della vita è di avere la gioia, e
l'uomo naturale non è mai stato felice. Quindi, dev'essere un modo in cui ci
possiamo cambiare la natura. E vi dico che veramente c'è. Si chiama
l'espiazione di Cristo. Tramite quest'atto, noi possiamo cambiare la nostra
proprio natura, il nostro comportamento, e qualsiasi cosa che non sia in
armonia con gli attributi di Cristo. So che questo è vero. So pure che ci vuole
il tempo; non succede in un giorno. Magari! Ma con la preghiera sincera,
l'obbedienza, e la pazienza, mi sto cambiando la natura, anche se ci vorrà
tutta la mia vita per farlo. Vabbè, non fa niente. Devo adesso soltanto enjoy
the ride :)
Vi voglio un mondo di bene!!! Grazie per tutto ciò che fate
per me e i miei simpatizzanti!
Translated by Microsoft
Translator: Alright, look. The mission and life are sometimes so
difficult. Sometimes, we think or do not, or it’s not worth it. Maybe we think
we are alone or that we cannot change because we are made so. Instead it is not
true. The purpose of life is to have the joy, and the natural man has never
been happy. Therefore, it has to be a way we can change the nature. And I tell
you it really is there. It's called the atonement of Christ. Through this Act,
we can change our own nature, our behavior, and anything that is not in harmony
with Christ's attributes. I know that this is true. I know that it takes time;
doesn't happen in a day. Maybe! But with sincere prayer, obedience, and
patience, I am changing the nature, although it will take my whole life to do
this. Oh well, does nothing. I only enjoy the ride now:)
I want a world of good! Thanks for
everything you do for me and my supporters!
Sorella Patterson
First haircut in Rome! |
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