Ciao Mama and everyone else too!! :)
Update on Muhammad: PLEASE
pray for him. Life is really hard here for everyone, even Italians. But it is
WAY harder for immigrants, especially Africans I think. But they also tend to
be the most humble and most willing to talk to us. Ugh, it is just rough. But
he is awesome. I have learned a little French for him. He is so great. And so
ready. But the Lord's house is a house of order, and that's just how it is.
In other news, we found TWO new investigators this week!!!
They are both so incredible and one of them lives literally across the hall
from some really strong members who he is good friends with. They are just the
best examples of humility and Christianity and I wish I could live next to
them! Anyway, his name is Emmanuel, and we have only given him the Book of
Mormon so far. But when he read the first verse, he became really serious and
asked what he could do to have a copy. The next time we saw him, he said, 'I
need you to help me read this book. I need to know what it is saying because I
know that it is true!' Man, I just love Nigerians!! They are just so humble and
so sincere. The Nigerians I have met on my mission have been some of the most
incredible people EVER. I just love Italy!!!

Well, I still haven't seen the Sistine Chapel. It will
happen someday, but not today either. But someday.
What else? Things are good here... We are getting transfer
calls this Saturday which is just crazy. I can't believe how fast time is
flying. I think that my companion might be training this next transfer, so that
means I would be leaving. These are just guesses though, there is nothing to
back them up. We always make our predictions the District Meeting before we get
the calls, so tomorrow. Maybe I'll go down south now... who knows! Maybe
Bitonto will finally open for sisters... chissà !
Okay, well I don't have anything else for ya this week. Have
a great one, thank you all so very much for the emails and letters, they are so
wonderful to get! I love you all with all of my ital-american heart!
Sorella Patterson
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