An excerpt from my letter to President this week:
"I am just learning so much right now. I am finding little bits of hidden treasures and knowledge, just like we are promised we will find if are faithful. The funny thing is that they are coming from places I wouldn't always expect, which is teaching me something too. I used to think that if I wanted to learn anything about the gospel, it would have to happen from 8 to 9 in the morning but now I am seeing how that is just the start to a full day of learning! So much of what I am learning is coming from the example of and study with my companion, from the insights of members and investigators, and from my mom's weekly updates on her garden. I'll be honest, I used to hate those updates, but man gardening is the best analogy for missionary work! She loves those little plants so much and does everything she possibly can that they may grow and give forth fruit, and if they don't grow, if they aren't strong enough, she doesn't get mad at them, she just keeps trying. She rests them for a bit and tries again in the next season. She is happy with whatever little fruit or vegetable they give, even if it is not very big. I guess that is how I should be with my investigators: I should be so proud of every little progress they make and not try to force them to do anything, even if it is for their good. At the same time, that is how God is with me I am learning. He is happy with whatever good fruit I produce, no matter how big or small. He just loves me and loves that I am trying."
Mom, thank you for your garden updates. Keep them comin! Turns out that is what I need each week, well with the other stuff you write me of course. Yeah, just don't change.
Another excerpt (yes I am just being lazy):
"I have been trying to put this whole thing into practice and just focus on God's will and not my fears, concerns, or doubts. So when we were thinking about Lucia and what to do for her lesson this weekend, I had a weird thought to invite this one member. I thought it was a little crazy, and so did Sorella Knudsen, but we called her up and she was miraculously free. She came and we had our first member present lesson with Lucia and we taught the restoration for about the third time, and you know what? We found out Lucia didn't know what apostasy meant! Wow, that was a shock. And it wasn't just that. There were other questions we had never heard and with the help of this member we were able to clear up some of her fears and worries, and she said she would read and pray to know if this message is true. It was such a miracle. God really is happy if we just try and forget about our silly selves and problems and just get lost in His work. I am feeling the Spirit working in me more this week and I love it! And it is happening to Angela too! She finally said the prayer at the end of our last lesson, and actually prayed right there in front of us for a change of heart. Last night she called with this awesome miracle of how she got this really important phone call from her son-in-law who they haven't heard from in 11 years. She said it was such a miracle that after she hung up she was just so happy and the only thing she could think to do was to pray to thank the Lord for this blessing. Presidente, Angela doesn't pray! She always tells us she has nothing to be grateful for... CHANGE OF HEART!!! It is so happening right before our eyes, and I am just so grateful the Lord let me be here to see it!"
This week has been lots of learning and it has been awesome. It sure is hard to learn lots of new stuff at the same time, but I really wouldn't trade it for anything else. It would be way easier to be at home and just worry about school and stuff and not peoples' salvation, but I can't say that I would want to trade it. People's lives are changing because they read this Book of Mormon that I give them. They are becoming happier than they ever thought possible because they are repenting and exercising faith in God. That just isn't something you can give up! Yeah, it is hard to get them there and to keep doing it day after day, but it's so AWESOME. I just have to keep working and keep going, even when I REALLY don't want to :) ESPECIALLY when I really don't want to.
I love you all and I hope this week is awesome and that you smile and make someone's day!
Shout out to Tia Dali for her awesome letters that make me laugh and cry and want to be so much better!! I love you/thank you so much!!!!!!!
Sorella Patterson